Erros are showing in shared commonMain files with Kotlin multiplatform project: A Comprehensive Guide to Debugging
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Erros are showing in shared commonMain files with Kotlin multiplatform project: A Comprehensive Guide to Debugging

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Are you tired of encountering errors in your shared commonMain files when working on a Kotlin multiplatform project? You’re not alone! This issue can be frustrating, especially when you’re in the midst of a critical project. But fear not, dear developer, for this article is here to guide you through the process of identifying and resolving these errors once and for all.

Understanding the CommonMain Module

In a Kotlin multiplatform project, the commonMain module is where you define the shared logic that can be used across different platforms, such as Android, iOS, and desktop. This module contains the core business logic of your application, and it’s essential to ensure that it’s error-free.

Why Errors Occur in Shared CommonMain Files

  • Incompatible dependencies between platforms
  • Improper usage ofExpect/Actual annotations
  • Inconsistent Kotlin versions between platforms
  • Incorrect configuration of the Gradle build script
  • Platform-specific issues that affect the common logic

Debugging Errors in Shared CommonMain Files

Now that we’ve covered the possible reasons behind errors in shared commonMain files, let’s dive into the debugging process. Follow these steps to identify and resolve the issues:

Step 1: Review the Error Messages

The first step in debugging is to carefully review the error messages. These messages can provide valuable insights into the root cause of the problem. Look for specific error codes, exceptions, or warnings that can guide you towards the solution.

// Example error message
e: .../commonMain.kt: (12, 13): Unresolved reference: android

Step 2: Verify Dependencies and Annotations

Incompatible dependencies and improper usage of Expect/Actual annotations can lead to errors in shared commonMain files. Ensure that you’ve correctly declared the dependencies in your build.gradle file, and that you’re using the correct annotations for each platform.

// Example build.gradle file
kotlin {
  js {
  jvm {
    compilations.all {
      kotlinOptions.freeCompilerArgs += "-Xjsr305=strict"
  val commonMain by getting {
    dependencies {

Step 3: Check Kotlin Versions and Configuration

Inconsistent Kotlin versions between platforms can cause errors in shared commonMain files. Ensure that you’re using the same Kotlin version across all platforms, and that you’ve configured the Gradle build script correctly.

// Example build.gradle file
kotlin {
  jvmToolchain {

Step 4: Isolate Platform-Specific Issues

Sometimes, platform-specific issues can affect the common logic and cause errors in shared commonMain files. Try to isolate the issue by testing the code on different platforms and identifying the specific platform that’s causing the problem.

For example, if you’re experiencing issues with the iOS platform, try running the code on Android or desktop to see if the problem persists.

Step 5: Review the CommonMain Code

The final step is to review the commonMain code and ensure that it’s platform-agnostic. Check for any platform-specific imports, dependencies, or logic that might be causing the errors.

// Example commonMain code
actual class DataProvider {
  actual fun getData(): List<Data> {
    // Platform-agnostic implementation

Common Errors and Solutions

Here are some common errors you might encounter in shared commonMain files, along with their solutions:

Error Message Solution
e: …/commonMain.kt: (12, 13): Unresolved reference: android Verify that the Android dependency is correctly declared in the build.gradle file.
e: …/commonMain.kt: (15, 16): Expect annotation is not applicable to expect fun Review the usage of Expect/Actual annotations and ensure that they’re correctly applied.
e: …/commonMain.kt: (20, 21): Kotlin version mismatch between platforms Ensure that the same Kotlin version is used across all platforms.


In conclusion, errors in shared commonMain files can be frustrating, but they’re not insurmountable. By following the debugging steps outlined in this article, you can identify and resolve the issues, ensuring that your Kotlin multiplatform project runs smoothly across all platforms. Remember to review the error messages, verify dependencies and annotations, check Kotlin versions and configuration, isolate platform-specific issues, and review the commonMain code.

With these steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating a robust and error-free Kotlin multiplatform project that delights your users and sets your app apart from the competition.

Additional Resources

For further assistance and resources, check out the following:

Happy coding, and may the errors be ever in your favor!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck with errors showing in shared commonMain files with your Kotlin multiplatform project? Fear not, dear developer! We’ve got you covered with these frequently asked questions and answers.

Q1: Why are errors showing in shared commonMain files in the first place?

Errors in shared commonMain files can occur due to incompatibility issues between different platforms (e.g., iOS, Android, and JVM) or incorrect configuration of the multiplatform project setup. It’s essential to verify that the dependencies and platforms are correctly set up and configured in your build.gradle files.

Q2: How do I troubleshoot errors in shared commonMain files?

To troubleshoot errors, start by reviewing the error logs and identifying the specific issue. Then, check your project structure, build.gradle files, and dependencies to ensure everything is properly configured. You can also try cleaning and rebuilding the project, as well as checking for any platform-specific issues.

Q3: Can I use Kotlin Multiplatform to share code between Android and iOS platforms?

Yes, you can use Kotlin Multiplatform to share code between Android and iOS platforms. In fact, one of the primary benefits of Kotlin Multiplatform is the ability to share common code between different platforms, reducing code duplication and increasing development efficiency.

Q4: How do I configure the commonMain module in a Kotlin Multiplatform project?

To configure the commonMain module, you need to define the module in your build.gradle file and specify the dependencies required for the shared code. Make sure to include the necessary plugins, such as the Kotlin multiplatform plugin, and configure the source sets correctly.

Q5: Are there any best practices for organizing shared code in a Kotlin Multiplatform project?

Yes, it’s essential to follow best practices when organizing shared code in a Kotlin Multiplatform project. This includes separating concerns into different modules, using clear and concise naming conventions, and keeping the common codebase modular and flexible. This will make your project more maintainable, scalable, and efficient.

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