EF Core is generating a GUID – even though it’s marked as DatabaseGenerated: Unraveling the Mystery
Image by Roch - hkhazo.biz.id

EF Core is generating a GUID – even though it’s marked as DatabaseGenerated: Unraveling the Mystery

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Have you ever encountered the frustrating issue of EF Core generating a GUID despite marking it as `DatabaseGenerated`? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this phenomenon and provide you with practical solutions to overcome it.

Understanding the Issue

When you use Entity Framework Core (EF Core) to interact with your database, it’s essential to define the primary key of your entities correctly. One way to do this is by using GUIDs as primary keys. However, when you mark a GUID property as `DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity`, EF Core might still generate a GUID, even if the database is responsible for generating it. This behavior can lead to confusion and errors in your application.

Why is EF Core generating a GUID?

There are several reasons why EF Core might generate a GUID despite being marked as `DatabaseGenerated`:

  • Default value generation**: EF Core might generate a default value for the GUID property, even if the database is supposed to generate it.
  • Lack of database-generated column information**: If the database doesn’t provide information about which columns are generated automatically, EF Core might assume it needs to generate the value.
  • Inconsistent configuration**: In some cases, the `DatabaseGenerated` attribute might not be applied correctly, leading to EF Core generating the GUID.

Solutions to the Problem

Now that we’ve identified the potential causes, let’s explore the solutions to this issue:

1. Use `ValueGeneratedOnAddOrUpdate` instead of `DatabaseGenerated`

One way to resolve the issue is to use the `ValueGeneratedOnAddOrUpdate` attribute instead of `DatabaseGenerated`. This attribute specifies that the value should be generated on add or update operations.

public Guid Id { get; set; }

This approach ensures that EF Core doesn’t generate a GUID and allows the database to handle the generation.

2. Configure the database-generated column

Another solution is to configure the database-generated column using the ` Fluent API` or `OnModelCreating` method:

public class MyContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<MyEntity> MyEntities { get; set; }

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
            .Property(e => e.Id)

This configuration tells EF Core that the `Id` property should be generated on add operations, allowing the database to handle the GUID generation.

3. Set the GUID property to `Guid.Empty`

A third solution is to set the GUID property to `Guid.Empty` before saving the entity to the database:

public void AddEntity(MyEntity entity)
    entity.Id = Guid.Empty;

This approach ensures that EF Core doesn’t generate a GUID, and the database will generate one instead.

Additional Considerations

When working with GUIDs and EF Core, there are some additional considerations to keep in mind:

GUID Primary Keys and Indexes

When using GUIDs as primary keys, it’s essential to consider the impact on indexing and query performance. GUIDs can lead to slower query performance and larger index sizes due to their random nature.

GUID Generation and Distribution

When relying on the database to generate GUIDs, ensure that the database is configured to generate GUIDs correctly. You might need to configure the GUID generation algorithm or distribution strategy to ensure uniqueness and consistency.


In conclusion, EF Core generating a GUID despite being marked as `DatabaseGenerated` can be a frustrating issue. However, by understanding the reasons behind this behavior and applying the solutions outlined in this article, you can overcome this issue and ensure that your application uses GUIDs correctly. Remember to consider the additional considerations discussed in this article to ensure optimal performance and data integrity.

Solution Description
Use `ValueGeneratedOnAddOrUpdate` Specify that the value should be generated on add or update operations.
Configure the database-generated column Configure the database-generated column using the Fluent API or OnModelCreating method.
Set the GUID property to `Guid.Empty` Set the GUID property to `Guid.Empty` before saving the entity to the database.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to effectively manage GUIDs in your EF Core application and avoid the issue of EF Core generating GUIDs unexpectedly.


  1. Q: Why does EF Core generate a GUID even though I marked it as `DatabaseGenerated`?

    A: EF Core might generate a GUID due to default value generation, lack of database-generated column information, or inconsistent configuration.

  2. Q: How can I prevent EF Core from generating a GUID?

    A: Use the `ValueGeneratedOnAddOrUpdate` attribute, configure the database-generated column, or set the GUID property to `Guid.Empty` before saving the entity to the database.

  3. Q: What are the implications of using GUIDs as primary keys?

    A: Using GUIDs as primary keys can lead to slower query performance and larger index sizes due to their random nature. It’s essential to consider indexing and query performance when using GUIDs.

We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you understand and resolve the issue of EF Core generating GUIDs despite being marked as `DatabaseGenerated`. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to demystify the curious case of EF Core generating GUIDs even when marked as DatabaseGenerated!

What is EF Core, and why is it generating GUIDs?

EF Core (Entity Framework Core) is an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework that enables .NET developers to interact with databases. It’s generating GUIDs because, by default, EF Core assumes that GUIDs are client-generated and will generate them even if you’ve marked the property as DatabaseGenerated. This override is not necessarily a bad thing, but it can lead to unexpected behavior if not understood properly.

How do I configure EF Core to let the database generate the GUID?

To let the database generate the GUID, you need to configure the ValueGeneratedOnAdd property to ValueGeneratedOnAdd\ORMDefault. This tells EF Core to let the database generate the value for the GUID property. You can do this by using the Fluent API in your DbContext: `entity.Property(e => e.Id).ValueGeneratedOnAdd();`.

What’s the difference between DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity and DatabaseGeneratedOption.None?

DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity tells EF Core that the database generates the value when a new entity is added, whereas DatabaseGeneratedOption.None means the value is provided by the application. If you set DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity, EF Core will let the database generate the GUID, but if you set DatabaseGeneratedOption.None, EF Core will generate the GUID itself.

Will setting ValueGeneratedOnAdd\ORMDefault affect other properties?

No, setting ValueGeneratedOnAdd\ORMDefault only affects the specific property you’re configuring. It won’t affect other properties in your entity. You need to configure each property individually to control how EF Core generates values.

Can I use GUIDs as primary keys with EF Core?

Yes, you can use GUIDs as primary keys with EF Core. In fact, GUIDs are a popular choice for primary keys due to their uniqueness and randomness. However, keep in mind that GUIDs are larger than other data types, which can affect performance and storage requirements.

Hope this FAQ helped clarify things for you!

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