Rails Migration to Version 7: Why It Still Defaults to HTML and How to Fix It
Image by Roch - hkhazo.biz.id

Rails Migration to Version 7: Why It Still Defaults to HTML and How to Fix It

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Are you planning to migrate your Rails application to version 7? While this new version brings many exciting features, there’s one thing that might catch you off guard: the default templating engine is still set to HTML. Yes, you read that right! Despite the growing popularity of modern frontend frameworks and libraries, Rails 7 still clings to the good ol’ HTML. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll explore why Rails 7 defaults to HTML and provide step-by-step instructions on how to change the default templating engine to your preferred choice.

Why Does Rails 7 Default to HTML?

Rails has a long history with HTML, and it’s only natural that the framework sticks to what it knows best. HTML has been the default templating engine for Rails since its inception, and it’s still a great choice for many applications. However, with the rise of modern frontend frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js, many developers are opting for more powerful and feature-rich templating engines.

One reason Rails 7 still defaults to HTML is that it provides a safe and stable foundation for building web applications. HTML is a well-established and widely-supported standard, and it’s easy to learn and work with. Additionally, HTML templates can be easily generated and rendered by Rails, making it a convenient choice for rapid prototyping and development.

What Are the Limitations of HTML Templating Engine?

While HTML is a great choice for simple web applications, it has its limitations. Here are some of the reasons why you might want to switch to a more modern templating engine:

  • Limited functionality: HTML templates are static and don’t provide the same level of interactivity as modern frontend frameworks.
  • Separation of concerns: HTML templates often mix presentation and logic, making it difficult to maintain and update code.
  • Performance: HTML templates can result in slower page load times and higher bandwidth usage compared to modern templating engines.
  • Limited reusability: HTML templates are often tightly coupled to the application’s backend, making it hard to reuse components across different applications.

How to Change the Default Templating Engine in Rails 7

Now that we’ve discussed the limitations of HTML templating engine, let’s dive into the process of changing the default templating engine in Rails 7. We’ll cover three popular alternatives: Haml, Slim, and ERb.

1. Haml

Haml (HTML Abstraction Markup Language) is a popular templating engine for Rails that provides a more concise and expressive syntax than HTML. To switch to Haml, follow these steps:

  1. Add the `haml` gem to your Gemfile: gem 'haml'
  2. Run the command `bundle install` to install the gem.
  3. Update your `application.rb` file to set the default templating engine to Haml:
    module YourApp
      class Application < Rails::Application
        config.generators do |g|
          g.template_engine :haml
  4. Restart your Rails server to apply the changes.

Once you've switched to Haml, your views will use the `.haml` extension instead of `.html.erb`.

2. Slim

Slim is another popular templating engine for Rails that provides a more concise syntax than HTML. To switch to Slim, follow these steps:

  1. Add the `slim` gem to your Gemfile: gem 'slim'
  2. Run the command `bundle install` to install the gem.
  3. Update your `application.rb` file to set the default templating engine to Slim:
    module YourApp
      class Application < Rails::Application
        config.generators do |g|
          g.template_engine :slim
  4. Restart your Rails server to apply the changes.

Once you've switched to Slim, your views will use the `.slim` extension instead of `.html.erb`.

3. ERb

ERb (Embedded RuBy) is a built-in templating engine in Rails that provides a more concise syntax than HTML. To switch to ERb, follow these steps:

  1. Update your `application.rb` file to set the default templating engine to ERb:
    module YourApp
      class Application < Rails::Application
        config.generators do |g|
          g.template_engine :erb
  2. Restart your Rails server to apply the changes.

Once you've switched to ERb, your views will use the `.erb` extension instead of `.html.erb`.


Rails 7 defaulting to HTML is not a surprise, but it can be limiting for modern web applications. By switching to a more modern templating engine like Haml, Slim, or ERb, you can take advantage of their features and improvements. Remember to choose the templating engine that best fits your project's needs and your team's expertise.

Templating Engine Pros Cons
Haml Concise syntax, easy to learn, and fast performance Steeper learning curve, limited compatibility with older browsers
Slim Fast performance, concise syntax, and easy to learn Limited compatibility with older browsers, some syntax differences from HTML
ERb Built-in, easy to learn, and compatible with older browsers Verbatim syntax can be verbose, slower performance compared to Haml and Slim

In this article, we've covered the reasons why Rails 7 defaults to HTML and provided step-by-step instructions on how to change the default templating engine to Haml, Slim, or ERb. By choosing the right templating engine, you can take your web application to the next level and stay ahead of the curve.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Ruby on Rails, one of the most popular web frameworks, has recently upgraded to version 7. However, some developers are still facing issues with the migration process, particularly with the default HTML behavior. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you overcome these hurdles.

Why does Rails 7 still default to HTML?

Rails 7 still defaults to HTML because the upgrade process only updates the Rails version, not the application's configuration. To change the default behavior, you need to explicitly configure your application to use a different template engine, such as ERb or Haml.

How do I switch from HTML to a different template engine in Rails 7?

To switch from HTML to a different template engine, you need to update the `config.generators` block in your `application.rb` file. For example, to use ERb, add `config.generators.template_engine = :erb`. Then, run `rails generate` to recreate your templates using the new engine.

Will I lose my existing HTML templates when I switch to a different engine?

No, switching to a different template engine won't automatically delete your existing HTML templates. However, you'll need to manually update or recreate them to use the new engine. A good approach is to rename or move your existing templates and then generate new ones using the new engine.

Are there any performance implications when switching from HTML to a different template engine?

The performance implications of switching template engines depend on the specific engine you choose and your application's requirements. Generally, ERb is slightly faster than HTML, while Haml is slower due to its additional parsing step. However, the performance differences are usually negligible, and you should focus on choosing the engine that best fits your development needs.

Where can I find more resources on Rails 7 and template engines?

The official Ruby on Rails documentation is a great place to start. You can also explore online tutorials, blogs, and forums dedicated to Rails development. Additionally, the Rails community is very active, and you can often find helpful resources and expert advice on platforms like GitHub, Stack Overflow, and Reddit.