Want to use two instances of Objectmapper, one to use for custom masking logging, other to be used for api response?
Image by Roch - hkhazo.biz.id

Want to use two instances of Objectmapper, one to use for custom masking logging, other to be used for api response?

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Are you tired of using a single instance of Objectmapper for all your JSON serialization and deserialization needs? Do you want to customize the logging of sensitive data while keeping your API responses intact? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the possibility of using two instances of Objectmapper, one for custom masking logging and another for API response.

Why Do We Need Two Instances of Objectmapper?

In many applications, we use Objectmapper to serialize and deserialize JSON data. However, when it comes to logging sensitive data, we need to mask certain fields to protect our users’ privacy. Using a single instance of Objectmapper for both logging and API responses can lead to issues. For instance, if we configure Objectmapper to mask certain fields for logging, it will also affect the API responses, which might not be desirable.

By using two instances of Objectmapper, we can separate the configuration for logging and API responses, ensuring that our logging is secure and our API responses remain unchanged.

Creating Two Instances of Objectmapper

To create two instances of Objectmapper, we can use the following code:

// Create an instance of Objectmapper for logging
ObjectMapper loggerMapper = new ObjectMapper();

// Create an instance of Objectmapper for API response
ObjectMapper apiMapper = new ObjectMapper();

Note that we’re creating two separate instances of Objectmapper, each with its own configuration.

Configuring Objectmapper for Logging

To configure the Objectmapper instance for logging, we can use various features provided by Jackson, such as:

  • Custom serializers and deserializers
  • Property filtering
  • Custom serialization and deserialization

For example, let’s say we want to mask all fields named “password” during logging. We can create a custom serializer for this:

// Create a custom serializer for masking password fields
class PasswordMaskingSerializer extends JsonSerializer<String> {
    public void serialize(String value, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider serializers) throws IOException {
        gen.writeString("*****"); // Mask the password field

// Configure the loggerMapper instance to use the custom serializer
loggerMapper.registerModule(new SimpleModule("PasswordMaskingModule", new Version(1, 0, 0, "", "com.example", "password-masking"))
    .addSerializer(String.class, new PasswordMaskingSerializer()));

By registering this custom serializer with the loggerMapper instance, we can ensure that all password fields are masked during logging.

Configuring Objectmapper for API Response

For the API response instance of Objectmapper, we can configure it to use the default serialization and deserialization settings. We can also customize it to include or exclude certain fields based on our API requirements.

For example, let’s say we want to include only certain fields in our API response. We can use property filtering to achieve this:

// Create a property filter to include only certain fields
PropertyFilter propertyFilter = new SimpleBeanPropertyFilter();

// Configure the apiMapper instance to use the property filter
apiMapper.setFilterProvider(new SimpleFilterProvider()
    .addFilter("apiFilter", propertyFilter));

By configuring the apiMapper instance with the property filter, we can control which fields are included in our API response.

Using Two Instances of Objectmapper in Your Application

Now that we have two instances of Objectmapper, we need to use them appropriately in our application. Here are some examples:

For logging:

// Use the loggerMapper instance for logging

For API response:

// Use the apiMapper instance for API response
Response response = Response.ok(apiMapper.writeValueAsString(user)).build();

By using the correct instance of Objectmapper for each purpose, we can ensure that our logging is secure and our API responses remain unchanged.

Benefits of Using Two Instances of Objectmapper

Using two instances of Objectmapper provides several benefits, including:

  • Separation of concerns: We can separate the configuration for logging and API responses, ensuring that each instance has its own specific configuration.
  • Improved security: By using a custom serializer for logging, we can ensure that sensitive data is masked, protecting our users’ privacy.
  • Flexibility: We can customize each instance of Objectmapper to meet our specific requirements, whether it’s for logging or API responses.

By following these steps, you can use two instances of Objectmapper in your application, one for custom masking logging and another for API response. Remember to configure each instance according to your specific requirements, and use them appropriately in your application.


In conclusion, using two instances of Objectmapper can provide a flexible and secure way to handle JSON serialization and deserialization in your application. By separating the configuration for logging and API responses, you can ensure that your logging is secure and your API responses remain unchanged.

Remember to explore the various features provided by Jackson, such as custom serializers and deserializers, property filtering, and custom serialization and deserialization, to customize your Objectmapper instances according to your specific requirements.

By following the instructions in this article, you can take advantage of the benefits provided by using two instances of Objectmapper in your application.

Instance Purpose Configuration
loggerMapper Logging Custom serializer for password fields, property filtering
apiMapper API Response Default serialization and deserialization, property filtering

This table summarizes the two instances of Objectmapper, their purpose, and their configuration.

We hope this article has provided you with a clear understanding of how to use two instances of Objectmapper in your application. Happy coding!

Here is the FAQ section on using two instances of Objectmapper:

Frequently Asked Question

We know you’ve got questions about using two instances of Objectmapper, and we’ve got the answers!

Why do I need two instances of Objectmapper in the first place?

You need two instances of Objectmapper because you want to use one for custom masking logging, which requires specific configuration, and another for API response, which needs a different configuration. By using two separate instances, you can maintain flexibility and control over how your data is serialized and deserialized.

How do I configure the Objectmapper for custom masking logging?

To configure the Objectmapper for custom masking logging, you’ll need to create a custom JsonSerializer that implements the necessary logic for masking sensitive data. Then, register this serializer with the Objectmapper instance dedicated to logging. This way, you can control what data is logged and how it’s presented.

Can I use the same Objectmapper instance for both logging and API response?

While it’s technically possible to use the same Objectmapper instance for both logging and API response, it’s not recommended. By using separate instances, you can maintain distinct configurations and avoid any potential conflicts or side effects. Keep your logging and API response configurations separate and simple!

How do I manage the lifecycle of multiple Objectmapper instances?

To manage the lifecycle of multiple Objectmapper instances, consider using a framework like Spring or a Dependency Injection mechanism. This way, you can control the creation and destruction of Objectmapper instances and ensure they’re properly configured and garbage-collected. Make your life easier with managed dependencies!

Are there any performance implications of using multiple Objectmapper instances?

In general, the performance impact of using multiple Objectmapper instances is minimal. However, it’s essential to consider the complexity of your serialization and deserialization logic, as well as the size of your data. If you’re working with large datasets or complex objects, you might want to optimize your Objectmapper configurations for better performance. Keep an eye on your app’s performance and adjust as needed!